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1. Wrong hair products: As the popular saying goes, “different strokes for different folks,” in that same context everyone has a specific hair product that works for them. Using hair products that are not suitable for your hair type or texture may ruin it. Also, some chemicals found in certain hair products such as chlorine, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, propelyn glycol e.t.c should be avoided. For example, Neutrogena T-gel shampoo which is effective in the treatment of dandruff, scaly and itchy scalp conditions has been noticed to cause a certain level of hair loss. Head and shoulders shampoo which is also great in curing dandruff situations has been known to cause hair loss due to the harsh chemical ingredients which strip hair of its natural oils this making it dry and brittle.

2. Inadequate diet: It is no news that we are what we eat. Apart from using the wrong hair products, meals deficient in protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids also causes hair loss. Protein produces keratin, a protective protein for hair, nails, and skin. It is essentially what makes hair strong. Lack of protein or inadequate protein reduces the production of keratin which in turn leaves hair weak.
Since vitamin A is a good source of hair loss recovery, consumption of excessive amounts of vitamin A (retinol) as supplements can actually cause hair loss.
Dairy blocks the pores of the skin which means that epidermis plaque is more likely to build up on the scalp causing hair follicle miniaturization and thinning hair. Either only consume unpasteurized dairy or avoid it.

3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): When it comes to STDs and hair loss, the most common cases have been associated with herpes.
On the other hand, syphilis in its second stage of the infection can also cause hair loss. In this stage, syphilis becomes categorized by skin rashes and lesions found on the mucous membranes. Hence, the rashes can make their way to the scalp where they can form inflammations on the hair follicles. These inflammations affect hair follicles making them itch in such a way that you may scratch out the hairs yourself. The rashes can also be accountable for damaging hair follicles and causing hair loss. Hair loss associated with syphilis is in the form of patches and follows no specific pattern.

4. Drugs/ Medication: This is a very sensitive cause of hair loss, as some people who have certain health conditions rely on these drugs to live. For example, hydrocortisone tablets have been known to treat blood/ immune system disorders and also to correct low hydrocortisone levels in the body. Unfortunately, these tablets when administered orally can cause hair loss. Hydrocortisone reduces testosterone, which in turn reduces a substance called dihydrotestosterone (DHT, the main substance that causes hair loss in men). Some people even use hydrocortisone topically as a hair loss product (but it’s not recommended due to the lack of studies and side effects.)

Tramadol is being used these days illegally. However, it was initially used to treat severe to moderately severe pains in the body. It helps to numb out every feeling of pain a patient may be passing through. Recent studies have shown that tramadol can be associated with hair loss especially with aged people.
Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic used for treating of skin infections, respiratory tract infections, and general bacterial infections. It has been known to cause severe hair loss for those above the age of 60, especially women who have been on the medication for more than a month.
Illegal substances also called recreational drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, oxycodone, etc. can also cause hair loss. All these recreational drugs can cause a type of hair loss called Telogen Effluvium because taking drugs causes a shock to the system. As a result, certain hair follicles will prematurely stop growing and enter the resting phase (Telogen), where they remain for three months, before being shed off.
If a person stops taking these drugs and the body can naturally rebalance itself, then the hair should return to a regular growth cycle approximately six months after taking the drugs.
Other drugs used in the treatment of infections or disease but are still responsible for hair loss include, omeprazole, Paxil, tretinoin, clonazepam, ranitidine, Benicar, Lunesta, Lexapro, Flomax, NSAID, hydrocodone, Dimethicone, venlafaxine, CellCept, Adderall, escitalopram, Nexium, Effexor, Tegretol, valium, hydroxy cut, SSRI, gabapentin, Tazorac, Topamax, Cymbalta, Ativan, ambient, Klonopin, HCTZ, Ritalin, Yasmin birth control pill etc.

5. Parasites: Parasites are destructive plants or animals that live in or on another organism to survive. Hair parasites such as head lice and mites cause itching, soreness and flaky skin on the scalp. As the skin becomes inflamed, it damages the hair follicles which can then no longer hold onto the hair shafts and in severe cases lead to bald patches and thinning hair. As the skin tissues become inflamed, the white blood cells increase to defend the body which causes the skin rashes and itching. The valuable nutrients that hair needs to be healthy and grow cannot reach the follicles, and this is when damage starts.

6. Illness: Certain illness associated with hair loss include, hyperparathyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, etc

7. Headphones: Contrary to what some people believe, wearing headphones cannot cause hair loss even if it is for a prolonged time. The only exception to hair loss or alopecia is if the headphone is tight enough to pull your hair.


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